Monday, September 13, 2010

The Kat

Just felt I had to add his picture.  Look at the purrrfect symmetry of this face. Call me the cat lady, (I'm not shy about it.), but I grew up with more catz than you could count.  My brother named them all after the Boston Red Sox.  He lived outside the coliseum in Rome and spent many hours feeding the cats deeming himself, "The Cat Man of Rome." There is a memoir I've always admired but haven't read in years called, My Five Tigers by Lloyd Alexander, about his five cats, of course. Even if you are not a cat person, it's a lovely read.

On separate note, my mother gave me, The Water is Wide, by Pat Conroy, a memoir of his early years as a teacher working on an island off South Carolina.  I never cared for   The Prince of Tides, but this is so well-written.


  1. I really like how you space out the framing of your photos left and right on your page. This is pleasing to look it. I enjoyed your cat.

  2. Even though my blog is "My Pug Rosie", I have always loved cats. Our current cat is 19 years old. We got her the year my husband and I were married. She doesn't hear very well anymore and sleeps 23 hours a day YET she still can out run our 1 year old pup and bat at her pretty well still!!!! She still is the queen of the house!
